Everyone faces obstacles in their lives, so just take control of your life!
Get Rid of Your Excuses. Eat Healthy. Get Physically Active. Use your Power. Have Faith and a Positive Mental Attitude.
Click here to see people overcome their obstacles!Some people don't have legs but they participate in marathons. Some are blind. Some are old. From the Veteran who had his legs blown off in Iraq to the old, fragile woman who can hardly walk, they get over their obstacles. They fight the same temptations like all of us. And their adversities are more than we can ever imagine. You can learn not to fall into the excuse trap. People with major trials have to mentally prepare themselves to conquer their adversities. But they create a strong desire to Celebrate Life. I will teach you. Let these ideas motivate and inspire you to BUMP ADVERSITY!
Life was great! I was successful and blessed with a good family. I was full of energy and in great shape. Then one day my world came tumbling down. In 2001, I became deathly ill from the effects of Toxic Mold. The pipes under my apartment kept leaking and management kept "fixing" them. I kept getting sicker. Then one day, I couldn't get out of bed. My respiratory illnesses included Acute Asthma. I lost my health, my home, my two businesses, my personal belongings, my money and my ability to work.
I would not let anybody, especially children, move into that apartment and get sick like me. I had to do something besides get people evacuated and remediate the mold. I became an activist for promoting a safe and healthy environment for our children and all Americans. Laws were passed in California and around the country. I am fighting to get my life back and promote health and fitness. I help, inspire and motivate people to live healthy, balanced lives and to get over adversity. I teach you to Celebrate Life!